AMI Talks
Reflecting on the legacy of Maria Montessori and exploring innovative application of Montessori principles and practice in today's world
What are the AMI Talks about?
We would like to invite you to a series of online sessions that will be hosted by AMI throughout 2021. Anyone with an interest in the social mission of Montessori is more than welcome to join the session which will be hosted on Zoom.

In 2020, we looked back on 150 years since the birth of Maria Montessori and reflected on her groundbreaking contribution, creating awareness around the potential of the child and their importance to human society and the fact that children do not find the conditions for life in adult society.
Some of the issues Montessori raised around the rights of the child during her lifetime have been given more prominence, while many challenges remain before every child will have the opportunity to develop to its full potential. The global pandemic has exacerbated inequality, particularly affecting children who were already marginalised.

The ideas of Maria Montessori are of the greatest importance, not only to children, teachers and parents, but to everyone interested in human development and progress. First appearing as a method of child education, her work is seen to be based on the deepest foundations and to point to the improvement of human life, on an individual, community and societal level.
Past AMI Talks
We collected the recordings of the past AMI Talks here
AMI Talks: Women's Rights Discussion
with Silvia C. Dubovoy, PhD and Ama van Dantzig, co-founder of Dr. Monk.

On 8 March 2021, we held our second AMI Talk during which Silvia C. Dubovoy and Ama van Dantzig shared insights on equality and equity gained from their professional lives. Silvia shared an overview of the social movements and historical context that shape Montessori's particular brand of idealism. Silvia explored her ideas about the education of young girls and the link between the wellbeing of mother and child in the context of what we now know as Montessori theory and practice. In her daily life, Ama works with game-changers, pioneers and visionaries to create a brave new world. She strives to develop and support the ideas and interventions that unleash much needed societal shifts. Ama shared her passion for helping people find ingenious solutions for the challenges of our time. She also focused on the relevance of uniting people and communities in order to help leaders to take the steps to confront such challenges.
Montessori: Champion of the Rights of Children
with Erica Moretti, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Fashion Institute of Technology SUNY

On 6 January 2021 we held a unique online session which focused on the social mission of Montessori. This was the first of a series hosted by AMI's Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF), where we reflected on the legacy of Maria Montessori and explored the application of Montessori principles in today's world. We discussed the roots of Maria Montessori as an advocate for children and looked at how Montessori principles and practice can offer a pathway to addressing some of the current global challenges.

Erica Moretti's book The Best Weapon for Peace - Maria Montessori, Education, and Children's Rights on Montessori's lifelong pacifist work is available through this link.
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A division of the Association Montessori Internationale